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Be a Subway A.I. sandwich chef

With A.I. becoming more advanced and reliable, Subway asked the public to put A.I. to a test by generating their own subway A.I. sandwich creations by using an A.I. generator that is built within a Subway microsite.  A contest is launched through this site where consumers can also get to vote for their favourite sandwich where only 6 flavours will be shortlisted. These 6 A.I. sandwiches will be published online for them to vote but only the winning sandwich will be produced and sold at all subway outlets. Once they have selected their votes on the website, it brings them to a page to reveal the live results where they can view the leading A.I. sandwich. 

A.I. Microsite

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Website of the shortlisted A.I. sandwiches

Live voting results

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Social posts sharing among friends

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