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(Pitch awarded)

Task: To launch the largest integrated development in Singapore built at the top of an established shopping mall.


Challenge: With a very limited budget and a tight deadline without being able to have a photoshoot, the only resourses available will the use of existing RF stock images.


Execution: Instead of showing the "predictable"  lifestyle condominium ad, for the art direction, I decided to use the idea of having the condominium built right at the top of the headline typographic treatment to give a more dynamic and stylish look and feel to the whole ad with the imagery and graphic elements built around the text like part of the environment.


Results: 300 units out of the 430 released were sold in a day, during a soft launch which is 70% of the units.



Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 11.51.57 AM.png

Press Ad for Launch

3A-FCL-0124-17 Press Ad 3-01.jpg

© 2021 Concept and design by Edwin Phua.  All rights reserved.

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