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CDC vouchers (Pitch awarded)
Nationwide launch campaign (Illustration done by me)

To help Singaporean residents as well as merchants during the pandemic, the government was giving away $300 voucher per household and also get heartland merchants to be part of it with incentives given. All these can be redeemed or transacted through the RedeemSG website on their mobile devices.



I created a friendly and refreshing brand identity for the campaign using modern illustration style that also shows step by step guide on downloading the app to how to use it for both residents and merchants across digital platforms, such as website for various digital devices, HDB digital posters, stickers, on site posters, and online banners and translated to Malay, Chinese and Tamil.



Over 13 million vouchers were redeemed. The graphics were eye catching and instructions on the various collaterals were clear and easy to understand based on survey done.


Step by step guide Video

Instructional Poster for Singapore Residents

Reseidents CDC A4 flyer Revise.jpg

Instructional Poster for Heartland Merchants

layout for CDC A4 brochure R6-01.jpg
laptop copy.png

Click below to see the full website

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