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How do we hijack traffic online by using a banana to talk about cancer?


Having seen the traffic driven by the much talked about "Duct tape banana", we wanted to take the opportunity to use that attention to talk about Cancer for Verita Life Cancer clinic. Sounds crazy? Not really. We used an insight from our Nutritionist in Bangkok, who talks about fruits such as banana enzymes contain nutrition that helps to fight against cancer. Right away, that valuable info gave me an idea to drive our campaign.


Within 24 hours and $0 budget, we did a parody of it, from something that sounds ridiculous to something impactful. We got the attention with our unpaid post with an organic traffic of over 3.6 k in just two weeks. It even caught the attention from the Google team, which complimented on how the cleverness of using this idea to talk about a serious topic such as cancer prevention. People also started sharing the fun message on social media and got the awareness on our facebook post up by 22% without paid boosting. It just goes to show that creative idea need not be expensive. Another take back of the idea is prevention is also cheaper than the Cancer treatment itself.

Social media post

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